Thanks to the wonderful generosity of Robert Collier, President and CEO of the Council of Michigan Foundations (CMF), the organization purchased 84 copies of What is Philanthropy? and shipped one to each of the 84 community foundations in the state of Michigan.

Robert Collier, President and CEO of CMF
Rob believes community foundations can have several uses for the film including hosting a community screening, lending it out to grantee organizations, and having Youth Advisory Committees view it to reflect and think more meaningfully about their philanthropy. Collier said, “Your film will complement the teacher developed and tested K-12 lesson plans of Learning to Give, a supporting organization to the Council of Michigan Foundations, and provide needed content for the discussion at the higher education level about the valuable role that philanthropy plays in our American culture and now globally. College students can benefit from these stories as they consider career choices and how to best use their time and talent as well as financial resources to make a difference in a cause they care about.”
Producer Salvatore Alaimo thanks Rob and CMF for their tremendous purchase and gift to community foundations, “I am forever grateful for Rob’s insight into how the film can be used and for making the purchase. My hope is that community foundations will get good use out of the film for years to come.”